PronEng Reloaded

ˈbjuːtiz ɪn ði ˈaɪ əv ðə ˈtaɪɡə


  • IEAS PPCU: Tamás Balázs (3rd-yr. full-time BA), Balázs Kicsi (2nd-yr. full-time BA), Gréta Papp (2nd-yr. full-time BA), Péter Talmácsi (3rd-yr. part-time BA) + senior assistant Ágnes Piukovics (PhD student, part-time instructor)
  • EASI UP: Barbara Darázs, Anna Dróth, Alexandra Szente, Gerda Varga


The Team Talent Programme of the Institute of English and American Studies, Pázmány Péter Catholic University, Budapest/Piliscsaba (IEAS PPCU) and the Project Seminar of the English and American Studies Institute, University of Pannonia, Veszprém (EASI UP) present PronEng Reloaded, a joint project to update and amend the 2006 coursebook, The Pronunciation of English, and transform it into an online study portal.

The project is to be coordinated by the two authors, Katalin Balogné Bérces (IEAS PPCU) and Szilárd Szentgyörgyi (EASI UP), and carried out with the help of student participants both from the English B.A. and M.A. study programmes at the two institutions.

The projected time horizon of the project: September 2017 – May 2018 (the two semesters of the 2017/2018 academic year)

PPCU students would participate in IEAS PPCU’s one-year Team Talent Programme, while UP students would earn credits for their Project Seminars at EASI UP in both semesters without having to do any other project activities.

Possible student tasks:

  • reading articles and textbooks on English pronunciation;
  • annotating the abovementioned readings to highlight topics to be included in the new version of PronEng or ways PronEng should be upgraded;
  • collecting audio materials and links to demonstrate pronunciation phenomena;
  • collecting video materials and links to demonstrate pronunciation phenomena;
  • collecting photos, pictures and memes and their annotated sources to visualize pronunciation phenomena;
  • presenting the results at one of two workshops to be held at the end of the respective semesters

Applications deadline: 30 May 2017

Applications to become a project member to be sent to:


Ágnes Piukovics project participant, doctoral student (PPCU); Katalin Balogné Bérces project coordinator (PPCU); Szilárd Szentgyörgyi project coordinator (UP)